I should start by saying that I don’t have any objective lens testing equpment. Ha ha! Wait, wait, I have to catch my breath after that one… But seriously, this is about my impressions of them through use and through pitting them against one another to see which performs better. I’ve sold several lenses and cameras that didn’t make the cut. What remain are the good image makers. I just don’t have the time or space for mediocre equipment.
I was going to sort them by mount but I realized that you can adapt most mounts to most other mounts if you care to, so it made more sense to group them by relative focal length. Adapters are presented by type, instead of individually, which frankly would have been simply too much work for too little info…
If you have information to add or would like to ask questions about these lenses, their use or care, or even just want to say ‘hey’, feel free to email me, I always enjoy hearing from you!
Lenses Sample Image Gallery
Related Links
- My page devoted to relubing Industar-26 and Industar-61 lenses